quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2009

Everyday vs Every day


Everyday is an adjective that means commonplace, ordinary, or normal.

These shoes are great for everyday wear

You shouldn't wear an everyday outfit to the wedding

Don't use the everyday dishes - it's a special occasion

Every day

Every day means "each day."

I go to the park every day

I have to work every day this week except Friday

Every day I feel a little better

segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009

sábado, 18 de abril de 2009



Passado dos verbos regulares
Os verbos regulares recebem o acréscimo de -ed ao infinitivo para formar o simple past (passado simples) e o past participle (particípio passado). Em alguns verbos, é necessário seguir algumas regras antes de acrescentar o sufixo -ed, de acordo com a terminação do verbo (infinitivo):

Verbos terminados em E: acrescente apenas -D.
Exemplo: to dance → danced

vogal + y: acrescente -ED.
Exemplo: to play → played

consoante + y: elimine o Y e acrescente -IED.
Exemplo: to dry → dried

consoante + vogal + consoante: repita a consoante final e acrescente -ED.
Exemplo: to plan → planned

Nos demais verbos, permanece a regra de simplesmente acrescentar o -ed.

Passado dos verbos irregulares
Nos verbos irregulares, não há nenhum tipo de regra que estabeleça como será formado o passado. É necessário decorar o passado de cada verbo irregular. Alguns exemplos:

to be → was (1ª e 3ª pessoas do singular), were (plural e 2ª pessoa do singular)
to have → had
to give → gave
to eat → ate
to go → went
to come → came

Estruturas das frases no Simple Past

Sujeito + verbo no passado + complemento

I stopped here yesterday. (stop)
Eu parei aqui ontem.

Interrogações (regulares e irregulares)
As interrogações no simple past pedem ajuda do auxiliar DID (passado de DO) + a forma normal do verbo:
- Did you drink? (Você bebeu?)
- Did she sleep? (Ela dormiu? )

*Note que quem está no passado é o auxiliar DID, o verbo principal continua na sua forma básica.

Adiciona-se o DID+NOT (ou didn't) após o sujeito:
- You did not drink. (Você não bebeu.)
- She did not sleep. (Ela não dormiu.)

sábado, 11 de abril de 2009


Earth Day was founded in 1970 in response to growing concern about the environment, and is celebrated throughout the world on April 22. It was originally envisioned as a day-long environmental "Teach-in" for activists, and is often credited with creating momentum which helped to pass the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act and the Endangered Species Act.

sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2009

pegando um taxi


-Where can I get a taxi? -Onde posso arranjar um taxi?

*There is a taxi stand at the door. *Há um ponto aqui na porta.

-Taxi,taxi. -Taxi,taxi.

*Where to? *Para onde?

-Take me to the ____ hotel,please. -Leve-me ao hotel_______,por favor.

*Here we are,sir(lady). *É aqui.

-How much is it? -Quanto é?

*It's two fifty. *Sao dois dolares e cinquenta.

-Thanks -Obrigado

Frases úteis


-I'm hungry -Estou com fome

-I'm thirsty -Estou com sede

-I'm tired -Estou cansado

-I'm early -Estou adiantado

-I'm late -Estou atrasado

-I'm in a hurry -Estou com pressa

-I'm sick -Estou doente

-I'm lost -Estou perdido

-It's an emergency -E uma emergencia

-It's important -E importante

-It's urgent -E urgente

Magic words


-Please -Por favor

-Excuse me -Com licença

-I beg your pardon -Perdão

-I'm sorry -Desculpe

-Pardon me -Perdão



-Hello -Alô

-Hi -Oi

-How are you? -Como vai?

-How do you do? -Como esta?

-Good morning -Bom dia

-Good afternoon -Boa tarde

-Good evening -Boa noite

-Nice to see you -Prazer em conhecê-lo

Homer Simpson's sentences

  • Operator! Give me the number for 911!

  • Oh, so they have internet on computers now!

  • Bart, with $10,000, we'd be millionaires!

  • We could buy all kinds of useful things like...love!

  • Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand.

  • I'm normally not a praying man, but if you're up there, please save me Superman.

  • Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it.

  • Now quiet! They're about to announce the lottery numbers.